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The Full Story

 (Alex 專業汽車 )-  指定汽車檢測公司

Lets Go Tour Aus 和 (Alex 專業汽車) 合作關係, 幫助我們處理汽車維修問題,確保車輛在道路上安全, 是一家專業的驗車公司,致力於提供高品質的汽車檢測和評估服務。二手车检测收费标准$150起… 根据验车地点 我会给你报价 如果需要帮忙砍价 提砍掉部分的20% 验车VS RWC 验车是对总体车况的一个评估。包括会用仪器扫描车载电脑,漆膜仪检测车漆和事故,和水泡车等等! RWC是评估一辆车上路的最低安全标准(RWC不会检测空调门窗锁等等)如果卖家连RWC都不敢做的话,你也没有必要请人验车了。 -14年汽车行业工作经验 -曾经是RACV验车师(相当于Carsales上Redbook验车服务) -目前全职验车 验车前 和卖家定好验车时间和地点 然后我们一起去验车 。如果车况好,我们谈价格 ,价格满意后交定金 我会帮忙写定金收据或监督然后等卖家做好RWC,付尾款提车! 历史记录查询: 点开下面这个网站 把车牌号输入进去 就可以看到VIN number了  点在下面这个网站 把VIN number 邮箱 银行卡号输入进去 就可以查到车是否是 报废车 偷盗车 贷款车 收费$2

1.如果显示是报废车 建议直接跳过 寻找下一辆车 2.如果显示是偷盗车 直接拨打000 3.如果显示是贷款车 这个没有问题 我会指导你接下来买车步骤 保证你的权益 提车前 等卖家做好RWC,确定提车时间后,建议先把保险买好 。买保险只需要个人信息和车牌号。 保险生效日期可以选择提车当天。 买保险建议 RACV是维州最好的汽车保险公司 保费也相对会贵些。如果车是你的宝贝,就建议买这个。他们的服务好 效率高。修车品质有保证。他们全部都是使用全新配件。网站 aami保险公司相对会便宜一些,如果需要启动保险,你只可以选择aami自己的修车厂去修车厂,如果只买第三方建议买aami Youi、budget direct、aami基本都使用二手配件 提车当天 -带过户单 ,填好买家和卖家的各自信息,然后双方签字 。过户单需要打印3份 ,买家/卖家/路局各一份。(如果你有维州驾照或者customer number卖家也可以网上直接给你过户) -付清尾款(可以带现金,支票或者提前网上转账) -不要忘记管卖家要RWC纸哦 提车后 带上维州驾照 ,过户单和RWC纸去路局过户 小提示:如果没有维州驾照 ,需要到路局办理costomer number需要带上护照和一封有你名字和你的住址的信件(电子版的信件也可以)

"Let's Go Tour Aus is entering into a collaborative partnership with (Alex Company) to assist us in handling automotive maintenance issues, ensuring the safety of vehicles on the road. () is a professional vehicle inspection company dedicated to providing high-quality automotive inspection and assessment services. The fee for used car inspection starts at $150...

According to the inspection location, I will provide you with a quote. If you need help negotiating, I can assist in reducing the cost by 20%.

Vehicle Inspection vs. RWC Vehicle inspection is an overall assessment of the car's condition, including scanning the onboard computer, checking the paint with a paint thickness gauge, and examining for accidents, water damage, and more. RWC (Roadworthy Certificate) assesses a vehicle's minimum safety standards for road use (excluding items like air conditioning and power windows). If a seller is unwilling to obtain an RWC, there may be no need to hire a vehicle inspector.

  • 14 years of experience in the automotive industry

  • Former RACV vehicle inspector (equivalent to Carsales' Redbook inspection service)

  • Currently a full-time vehicle inspector

Before the inspection, we will coordinate with the seller for the inspection time and location. If the vehicle condition is satisfactory, we can discuss the price. Once the price is agreed upon, a deposit will be paid. I can assist in drafting a deposit receipt or supervise the process, then we wait for the seller to obtain the RWC before paying the remaining balance and taking delivery of the vehicle.

History Record Check: Visit the following websites to check the vehicle's history by entering the license plate and VIN number:

Victorian Roads - Vehicle Registration Enquiry

Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR) - Fee: $2

If the vehicle is flagged as scrapped or stolen, it is advisable to skip and look for another vehicle. If it shows as financed, I will guide you through the next steps to protect your interests.

Before Taking Delivery: Once the seller obtains the RWC and confirms the delivery time, it is advisable to purchase insurance. RACV is recommended for its quality service and efficiency, while AAMI offers more budget-friendly options.

On Delivery Day:

  • Bring the transfer form, filled out with buyer and seller information, and signed by both parties. Print three copies (buyer/seller/road authority).

  • Pay the remaining balance (cash, cheque, or online transfer in advance).

  • Don't forget to request the RWC certificate from the seller.

After Taking Delivery: Bring your Victorian driver's license, transfer form, and RWC certificate to the road authority for transfer. Note: If you don't have a Victorian license, you'll need to obtain a customer number with your passport and a proof of address.

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